What They Know + What They See + What They Feel = Inspiration. When a communicator is able to bring all three factors into alignment, it creates a synergy that inspires people. And from that place of inspiration, you can often lead people to take action
As a John Maxwell Certified Coach, Teacher, Trainer, and Speaker, I am certified to facilitate, speak, train and coach individuals and groups in leadership development, professional skills, and personal growth.
Trained and mentored by John Maxwell and mentors of his world-class faculty, I am equipped with the tools, resources, and experience to help you and your team improve your productivity, performance, and profitability.
Whether you are looking for a facilitator for group workshops, corporate training in leadership, speaking, sales, or coaching skills for your leaders, or a speaker for your next event, I have access to exclusive content that is only available through a certified Executive Director of the John Maxwell Team to help you reach your goals and objectives.
“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.”...
Certified to LEAD!
Strategic Business Priorties
Envision an ideal future state for your organization,
one that clearly defines what your talent will be able to do, and we’ll create learning experiences that make it a reality. We’ll help you develop customized programs that link outcomes to specific business goals.
​Reinforce: Building successful new capabilities requires follow-through; top companies know they must assess performance in order to improve it. Let us train your trainers to develop your organization’s muscles around coaching and reinforcement. We’ll help you support the adoption of desired behaviors by recommending key indicators to measure.
Define : To get meaningful results you need to clearly define the scope of your learning program: who needs to learn what by when. We’ll help you identify and prioritize the critical skills your people need and develop bespoke learning experiences that enable them to quickly acquire those skills
​Deliver: Our team will help you execute a learning experience that flows, with a balance of experiential and conceptual learning, and an optimal combination of visual presentations, interactive exercises and interpersonal discussion.
​Design: Our access to world-class learning programs are carefully tailored for your teams. We’ll help you determine the ideal channels for delivery, develop the right content and build a program that accommodates any structural constraints. The program’s overall shape—its timing, volume and pace—will be custom-fit to the unique mix of participants’ backgrounds and roles.
Unique training and development options tailored to your needs
Unique training and development options tailored to your needs .

My coaching involves the ability to understand you: to think how you think, and understand your perspective. From this benchmark, I will place another perspective on top of yours – stretching and growing you to gently see a more empowering way.
As a certified John Maxwell coach, I can see what you are going through now and what is up ahead. Coaching is foreseeing, paving the way, coming alongside you while helping you achieve goals and overcome limiting paradigms.
I offer two levels of coaching support:
Individual Coaching – one on one private and confidential coaching. When I am working with you one-on-one, it is my highest objective to help you reach your purpose, vision, and goals by working through John Maxwell's programs specific to your needs. Together, we will create a strategic, powerful plan for you to gain clarity through a weekly process including, interaction and accountability.
What are you doing to invest in yourself?
What are you doing to invest in others?
Group Coaching – small setting onsite or via webinar and video technology When I am working in a group setting – although it’s not singular in nature – having the entire group’s input in thinking magnifies the richness of the discussions and results in developing solutions that are above and beyond what any individual can create.
The cohesive bond that is formed empowers each person to develop the leader within and shine in a safe environment that nurtures the group as a whole. It is an experience unlike any other and follows the same premise as an academic think tank.
There is synergy of energy, commitment and excitement that participants bring to a mastermind group. My facilitated groups offer a combination of masterminding, peer brainstorming, education, accountability and support in a group setting to sharpen your business and personal skills. By bringing fresh ideas and a different perspective, my masterminds can help you achieve success.
Key Benefits of a Mastermind Group:
✔ Increase your own experience and confidence
✔ Sharpen your business and personal skills
✔ Add an instant and valuable support network
✔ Get honest feedback, advice and brainstorming
✔ Borrow on the experience and skills of the other members
Study Leadership, Communications and Growth principles/practices in a group setting, create an action plan and have the group hold you accountable for fulfilling your plan and goals.
Receive critical insights into yourself
Optimistic peer support in maintaining a positive mental attitude
A sense of shared endeavor – there are others out there!

Customized presentations to fit your individual or team’s needs and budget
✔ “Lunch and Learn”
✔ Keynote speech for your company sponsored event
✔ Half-day and full-day workshop/seminar
✔ In-house corporate training
✔ Partnership Summit
I will provide effective team communication and structure that is important for forging relationships equipping your team with the proper attitudes to develop leaders within. Maximizing the resource of DISC Assessment & Leadership Game to build and restore relationships, develop increased personal understanding, resolve conflicts, build teams, and maximize communication.
In addition, I will at your request, incorporate your organization’s meeting theme, mission/vision statement, or build on your existing training schedule to best fit the needs of your group.​
What to Expect
Success isn’t just something you can touch. It’s something you can FEEL. It’s living a life that you designed;
High Impact Learning
​Subject Mastery
​An interactive Experience

You don’t need another one-size fits all approach....
You Need A Plan
One part Vision Quest.
One part Blueprint.
Create an empire view for knowing where you want to go and an action plan for how you will get there.

Sure, everything you’ve done this far has gotten you to the place you are now. Now let's scale your business to the next level.
​Our learning programs, offered in both single- and multi-client settings, are tailored to address your strategic priorities and provide an interactive, high-touch experience.
​From single content modules to longer programs, we create training that meets all your top challenges, covering a wide range of technical and soft skills.
​From zero-based budgeting to inspirational leadership, from the most senior executives to the front line, our programs ensure your teams have the strategic capabilities they need to outperform.
Well, let today be the day that you take the first actionable step to getting the things that you want; to figuring it all out.
Without A Plan...
Nothing Happens
Without a plan, we make poor decisions, we have no direction, we self-sabotage and we stay stuck.
A plan helps us to take the guesswork out of things, to move confidently and quickly, and make our goals happen.

With The Success Blueprint You’ll Be Able To:
​Figure out where you want to go when you feel like you have no vision-or don't have a single clue
​Build a vision that you and your employees are inspired by and actually motivated to work on.
​Tackle your goals one step at a time, and learn how to avoid the one thing that will totally tank your progress.
​Create a blueprint that takes all of the guesswork out of reaching your goals with me beside you- No off-the-shelf framework that doesn’t take YOUR Business into consideration.
​Uncover the thing that is standing in your way and blocking your success (there will likely be more than one, but there is one thing you need to stop doing today in order to see results).
​Get unstuck quickly, and know exactly what your next step is.
You'll Also Get:
DISC Assessment used to improve work productivity, teamwork, leadership, sales, and communication. DiSC measures your teams personality and behavioral style.
A group Leadership Game Session to help you identify challenges, roadblocks and next steps.
​​A fully designed Business Trello board personalized with all of the things to allow collaboration and allow you to take an empire view of the success you’re building as well as an up-close-and-personal micro view of everything you need to make it happen.
​A group Leadership Game Session to help you identify challenges, roadblocks and next steps.
And I’ll tell you one thing that you are NOT going to get as well:
You won’t get a boring, one-size fits all approach, that over-promises and under-delivers.
What to Expect

Hi, I'm Angela!
I’m a keynote speaker, CEO of LEAD: The Success Coach Company, and John Maxwell and Steven Covey certified coach with over 20 years of experience coaching women, teams and organizations to grow, design, and expand their capacity to achieve and sustain success on their own terms without sabotaging it when they get it.
I help you get MORE when comfortable is no longer ENOUGH.