To bring together high-performing, hand-selected women who want to blow the roof off of their level of impact, influence, income, and power.
​The success code is an exclusive invitation to crushing your biggest, most audacious goals, becoming a brighter, more powerful YOU, and unleashing your greatest work yet.
If you are reading this, KNOW that it’s because....
I See You.
I invited you here because:
You are a high-performer and a line of sight of what you want.
​“Average” has never been good enough for you. You’ve never felt okay with just being “okay” and now you’re invested in taking the next step.
​You’ve checked all of the boxes, and are already successful, but you know there is still so much MORE that you have to give.
​Secretly, you know you’ve been playing small, shrinking instead of rising in your true power because what’s on the other side of where you are now feels uncomfortable.
​Even though you have all of the steps and you know what to do, you still pause. Something is preventing you from taking the next step, and you’re ready to get out of your own way.
If You've Been Looking For A Sign....... THIS IS IT!
(And it doesn't get clearer than this)
This is YOUR time.
And there has never been a more perfect time to invest in yourself than now.
You Know Why?
Because every single day, there will be someone who needs you, and something that needs your attention.
There will always be a bill that needs to get paid, or something that your children would like you to buy.
There will always be an opportunity to put yourself, your deepest desires, and your dreams on the back burner.
But when will there ever be a perfect time to
Prioritize Yourself?
And I’m not talking about a self-care day.
They are necessary too, but their main purpose is to revitalize you long enough to jump right back into the grind of taking care of everyone but yourself, and making other people more profitable.
They change the course of your day.
It’s time to invest in something that will change the course of your LIFE.
It’s time to stop playing small.
Right now, you’re at the top of your game.
You’re used to being recognized at your job, praised, and awarded. When you go in, you know exactly what to do and exactly how to grow the company.
Your family is proud of you, and your children are supportive.
You’ve acquired the things you set out to acquire.
Hell, you’re proud of yourself.
And even with all of that said…. You still want MORE.
You want to be recognized for more- by your family, friends, coworkers, boss, but more importantly by YOURSELF.
Does anyone in your life actually know who you are?
I mean on a soul level-the woman you were BEFORE you became a mom, a wife, a part of the workforce?
You know what I’m talking about because you catch yourself saying sometimes, “Do they know who they’re talking to?” and you know they must not because if they knew better, they’d do better.
The question is……
Are you showing up humbly and unapologetically
in all of your power?
Or do you shrink to become the person that is needed in the moment?
When you are up for the promotion, or you know that it’s yours, do you show up in the spaces meant for you?
Do you think,
"If I just come in earlier and stay later...."
"If I just made myself more available, more amenable.......
" If I just (add the thing you say here)"?
Are YOU enough? Or do you work as hard as you do, show up as often as you do, put yourself on the back burner because you are motivated by your children’s, your family’s, your friends’, your co-workers’ and boss’s approval and pat on the back?
Are YOU enough motivation all by yourself?
The Thing Is, You’ve Been Here Before….
You make the decision to do more for yourself.
You begin going after your goals-spend hours working on your thing……
And then right when it looks like it just might happen for you…..
You Pause.
You get a glimpse of who you are, what you could do, and who you could be, yet…..
You Pause.
Instead of taking the next step, you go back to recreating and doing tasks. Because when you’re checking off boxes, people can see THE WORK.
But when you’re walking in your purpose, people can see YOU.
And that makes you feel naked.
Playing small feels safe.
(And you know how I feel about that word “safe”)
The thing is.....
You’re right on the edge of unleashing your greatest work, deepening your richest relationships, attracting the things you want most in your life, and using your gifts to impact the lives of countless others.
For as much as you’ve already accomplished, the world has only seen a fraction of what you can truly do.
You’re so close to making a major shift in your world. And it will never be the same again.
And You Can Feel It. Can't You?
But here is the problem,
and the hard truth…
What got you here won’t take you to your next level. (And you have to want the next level for “YOU”)
You need a village of genuine support. ( #NoJealousFriends)
You need to have a profound awareness of self and a vision you can see so clearly you can touch it.
​This isn’t about you anymore, but it has everything to do with you (more on this in a second).
​You never want to be the smartest or most successful person in the room.
​Fear of Success is an ACTUAL THING.
And this is where
The Sucess Code
Comes in...
I challenge you to say “Yes” to YOU.
Say “Yes” to extraordinary because okay is not enough.
Say “Yes” to BIGGER and BETTER impact.
Say “Yes” to NOW and not tomorrow because we always put ourselves last.
And quite frankly, say “YES” to blowing your own mind.
You don’t need another coach who promises transformation without inner work or self-awareness, because SELF is the root of all change. Going after success without developing the person is not sustainable change.……..
And that’s not what you’ll find here.
Here is where you find deep inner work that expands your CAPACITY for success and transforms your inner and outer world.
See right now you feel stuck and not sure of how to get to the next level.
That’s because you’ve been operating from a place where your glass is full.
In fact, your glass is running over with STUFF (stuff you can’t take with you, and that secretly, you’re thinking “Laddy Da. Now what?”)
You need a larger container.
That way you can hold space for more of the things you were put on this Earth to do.
Don’t get me wrong. This isn’t a one-size fits all, “life-coaching”, show and tell.
The Success Code is a high-touch, high-impact, 16-week program where we go all-in on designing the successful outcomes you’ve been dreaming about; the kind of results that will completely transform your inner and outer world in ways you cannot imagine.
It’s a space where I hold you accountable to your vision and your goals. It’s a place where we get rid of self-sabotage, excuses, and stagnation. Here, you will not become a number lost in the group. This program is kept intentionally small so that you get the attention you need to accelerate your goals
Masterminding with amazing, hand-selected women who are high-performers just like you. You’ll strategize next steps, have a safe place to dream with women who will encourage you to dream bigger and genuinely support you every step of the way.
Doing the deep work that uncovers your unique spiritual gifts, the true value you bring to the world and others, and a deeper understanding of the power you wield-the type of power that makes people stand up and pay attention
Re-establishing healthy boundaries and cultivating a world full of rich relationships all while showing up as the leader you were called to be-positively impacting everyone around you.
Finally finding your “thing”. The “thing” that’s been bugging you for years. The thing that you’re secretly afraid of not accomplishing. You’re anxious to bring it to life, and you feel as if time is getting away from you.
Getting your biggest boldest goals out of your head and onto paper, AND knowing with absolute clarity exactly what steps to take to get you there, what limiting beliefs and roadblocks you need to overcome, and having the tools to get you to your highest level of success yet.
Understanding what success looks like to you, and being unapologetic about going after it. Not to mention, you’ll finally stop comparing yourself to a standard of success you may not even want for yourself.
Figuring out how to expand your success to those around you. We’re truly successful when we prepare a table for others to join. See how I brought that back around? It is not about you anymore, but has everything to do with you.
Having a coach who holds space for you. You’re not just another number. I hold space for your growth, your goals, and I hold your feet to the fire. I’m all in on your goals.
Results. Period.
Hi, I'm Angela!
Your Success Coach.
I am the CEO of LEAD: The Success Coach Company, and a John Maxwell and Steven Covey certified coach with over 20 years of experience coaching women, teams and organizations to grow and expand their capacity to achieve and sustain success on their own terms without sabotaging it when they get it.
Doing the deep inner work that expands our capacity to grow in success transformed me from a spectator in my own life, comfortable, and not operating in my full power to a present, Corporate Business Manager and Success Coach that impacts the lives of many other people.
Before I figured this out, I felt like a pawn in everyones elses world. My gifts and talents were exploited to elevate others' aspirations. I was the voice behind the puppet- ha, the ghost-leader. And now I operate from a space of following the leader (God), not an easy feat but following his direction changes my focus to- purpose. The shift makes it not about me, but has everything to do with me. I want to feel my spirit leap instead of being in my feelings. So I can do… in spite of... The quick and dirty of this is- I BE! BE who God has called me to BE. Not just knowing my purpose, BEING IT.
If you value substance, showing up as your true self, walking into spaces that weren’t necessarily created with you in mind, and growing SELF as well as your impact, then you’re in the right place.
This is the reason I created The Success Code- to help you reach your highest level of success, and to rise in your own power.
To your success,
The Acorn Experience
What You Get....
You’ll go on a Vision Quest (one part vision. One part scavenger hunt) to unlock all of the things you want to manifest in your world. Then we’ll map out your empire view, highlight roadblocks and limiting beliefs that may be slowing you down, and identify the exact steps you need to take to get you closer to your goals.
The Success Blueprint
The Acorn Experience (ACE)
Going from Acorn to Oak. We’ll dive into my proprietary system that helps you to do the transformational inner work needed to reach and sustain your next level of success and higher-level impact.
Here you will become your purpose, discover your God-given name, understand your true power and how to propel people forward, and move past obstacles and trauma that keep you from becoming an inspired version of yourself.
We will gain a deeper understanding of your success language so that you can hold yourself accountable to the things you want most with no apologies. You’ll get crystal clear on your values and make sure that the things you’re working on are aligned with what success looks like for you!
Success Language Deep Dive
LEAD With Your Gifts!
We will uncover exactly what your “thing” is and get you started with the right program to help you align with your God-given name and purpose to get your gifts out into the world, and multiply those gifts for maximum impact.
Your Inner Circle
and support you on your journey. These are women who are high-performers, committed to their success, and on the same wavelength as you. Together, you will support, push, and challenge each other while building close bonds that will help you along on your journey.
We will uncover exactly what your “thing” is and get you started with the right program to help you align with your God-given name and purpose to get your gifts out into the world, and multiply those gifts for maximum impact.
An Exclusive, High-Touch, High-Impact Experience
The Details......
Membership ​Access to the entire ACE system complete with your digital journal, resources, tools, activities and training.
​Private Community Access.
​Weekly group coaching LIVE experience.
​​BONUS***** ($399 VALUE) Blueprint, private one-on-one call.
What People Are Saying....
Jacqueline Wills, Navy Veteran, Government Management Employee
Before working with LEAD, I was frustrated because I was unable to reach certain goals or make progress when working with people. I was spinning my wheels and things were escalating to anger.
Going through the ACORN EXPERIENCE there were several things that changed my life. The most impactful was learning purpose AKA My NAME.
This process offered clarity and direction allowing me to grow in emotional intelligence and begin to understand that I only have control of my response and to accept people for whom they show me they are.
Now I am empowered and able to react positively and professionally to situations that I am placed in.
Blair Durham, Founder of Black BRAND and Black Wall Street Today!
I am bombarded with thousands of messages a day. There is always a constant battle for my attention. From family, business, emails, text, and social media, I could go on.
My world is cluttered with words. In working with Angela, I gained the ability to identify with people and relate in a way that increases my influence. My success in all arenas depended on it. Learning the art of connecting has strengthened by influence, my relationships are healthier, and my career environment is promoting.
Connecting has changed my life!
Lakia Perez, Minister at Life Center
I loved Bleeding Blue. I am still thinking about all the laughs, tears, and discovery moments. I was able to identify things that I was struggling with from my past and to get healing from those experiences.
It was hard as I had to deal with things from my past, and I had to learn to forgive others for things done to me, and also forgive myself.
The process brought healing into my life and has given me the tools to use daily
Just Imagine
How MUCH MORE There Is For You To Accomplish.....
What is the thing that will make your great-great grandchildren rich?
(And when I say rich, I don’t only mean money. I mean a head start, I mean the breaking of generational curses, I’m talking an expanded mindset, emotional intelligence, and knowing how to find success for themselves)
When your “work” is done, what do you want to have to show for it? Whose lives do you want to be impacted because of it?
That empire view that you mapped out……. Are you ready to get ALL of it?
Let’s start NOW! Life is already in session.
Let’s take the wheel and steer it towards brilliance, a nourishing inner circle, and personal mastery!
This is your official Invitation to unlocking your true power and next-level mission.
It is now time to prioritize yourself, and multiply your impact, revenue, and legacy.
Join The Success Code
This is an intimate experience is limited to Successful Women Living on Purpose Community women.
All Of Your Questions....Answered
What happens after I sign up for the Acorn Experience?
1. The first step to begin to work with me is to the Blueprint Session. You'll receive directions to start your vision quest and schedule your one-on-one session.
2. Your Acorn Experience System access will be emailed to you.
3. Join the community and introduce yourself!
When does The Acorn Experience begin?
Doors open 3 times a year..
What is Success Coaching?
Success Coaching is a method of working together, one on one or in groups, to dramatically improve specific areas of your success, creating more freedom, balance, and ease. It helps you to achieve results that you want, both personally and professionally, and to live with greater choice and peace in the face of extreme stress or overwhelm. Coaching helps you to do what you want to do anyway, but in less time and more easily than you could on your own.
Basic Philosophy....
If there is a gap between where you are now and where you want to be, then there is room for a bit of success coaching. Why struggle on your own when you can get what you want out of success in a fraction of the time with the structure, support, and tools of a skilled success coach?
How does coaching work?
Success Coaching follows a few key techniques that can be used to facilitate stress relief and personal wellness as well as organization, strategic planning, and time management. My personal specialty is navigating major success transitions with guidance, practical tips and resources, as well structures to help you stay focused and on track.
What sorts of people have a personal success coach?
From my experience every type of individual will come to me for coaching. The only traits these people have in common is the desire to change part of their success so they are happier, and the realization that they will stay focused and get there quicker with the support of a coach.
Where and how do we do a coaching or consulting session?
From my experience every type of individual will come to me for coaching. The only traits these people have in common is the desire to change part of their success so they are happier, and the realization that they will stay focused and get there quicker with the support of a coach.
How long is the Blueprint session?
Coaching sessions are typically 2 hours.
Is it confidential?
Yes. Of course. No one will know that we are working together unless you tell them. Details of our sessions are never discussed with anyone.
How do I know if Success Coaching is right for me?
Are you looking for outside support and guidance, someone to bounce ideas off?
Could you use some help in dealing with stress, daily pressures, and a continued feeling of overwhelm?
Are you ready to get strategic about next steps and get into action where you may have been stuck or procrastinating?
Would you love to design a business and a career instead of just letting it happen?
Can you imagine creating something totally new and infinitely better?
Would you like a step-by-step method to decide what to do next?
Is it time to let go of some of the struggles and try something new?
If you have answered “yes” to 3 or more of these questions, you are a very good candidate for coaching…. consider this your invitation. Without direction and action, the lives we most want to exist only in our imaginations. Sometimes, it is working with a professional that can make all the difference.
When can I expect to start seeing results?
If you are ready to start taking action today, you’ll notice immediate change. But bigger goals simply take longer. The reality you have today was not created overnight, and the new reality you’re looking for will take a little time too. Coaching over a period, combined with consistent action is by far the best way to produce long term, sustainable results, and incredible transformations.
What if I pay for coaching and don't see any benefit?
If you are ready to start taking action today, you’ll notice immediate change. But bigger goals simply take longer. The reality you have today was not created overnight, and the new reality you’re looking for will take a little time too. Coaching over a period, combined with consistent action is by far the best way to produce long term, sustainable results, and incredible transformations.Although a coach can't promise that you'll make more money or lose 50 lbs. (for obvious reasons), coaching is not like therapy. You should see tangible benefits within just a few sessions. Take advantage of the 30 day money-back guarantee (minus cost of resources).
How does Success Coaching differ from consulting? Therapy? A best friend?
Consulting. Coaching can be considered a form of consulting. However, consulting is often information and expertise based. For example, you might hire a consultant to help your business with a specific problem. In which case, you would expect your consultant to have knowledge and experience in that area. Success coaches on the other hand may or may not have a background or experience in your field. A coach is a success specialist, an expert on helping you develop all areas of your business and/or personal success. Unlike many consultants who propose a solution and leave you to implement it, your success coach stays with you to help you integrate the changes, new skills, and goals to make sure they really happen. This is one of the many reasons why success coaching is so effective–it is one thing to have the information and quite another to make the change!
Therapy. Success coaching is not therapy. Success coaches do not diagnose or treat mental disorders. Success coaches are not psychologists or psychotherapists. We help people move forward and set personal and professional goals that will give them the success and career they really want.
Best friend. A best friend or two or three is wonderful to have. But is your best friend an objective professional who you can trust to advise you on the most important aspects of your professional success and/or business? Sometimes, our friends cannot tell us the truth, as much as they would like to, because they don’t want to risk losing the friendship. A good coach is never afraid to tell you the truth and is willing to be fired at any time.