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What's Your WHY?

Updated: Nov 1, 2021

STOPPING THE BLEEDING- Steps to uncovering your purpose

"I don't know my purpose, and I don't believe that you ever actually know your purpose."

"I haven't figured that out yet; I know it's not preaching. But they keep pushing me to do it."

"Purpose, yea, I know what it is, and I believe your purpose changes."

A few weeks ago, I worked with a close friend on her business, and I asked "Why" she wanted to open the business. Explaining that your why is your foundation. It will pull you through WHEN- you don't feel like it... or the going gets rough... or there is no light at the end of the tunnel... or no one else believes in you...! Her response was, "I don't know why."

Well, this is a normal response, and I was prepared. See, everything stops until we uncover the WHY. So I pivoted and asked, What's your purpose in life. Her response, "I don't know my purpose, and I don't believe that you ever actually know your purpose."

As I held back my tears, I shared that I had failed her. How are we so close and I have not known this... OMG, I strive to BE my purpose, and I wasn't serving those right in front of me.

I'll save my path to uncovering and addressing my faults for another blog. I had to take that thing to God in prayer...I'm trying to make it in the gates.

She whole-heartedly believed that she would never know her purpose, so we did a quick experiment and called 6 people and asked, "What's your purpose?" 2 of 6 knew their purpose—the question brought forth so much emotion. You could hear the desperation in their voices. The desire to know... understand... and act with a purpose.

Having Purpose is one of the 6 Core Longings. When our core longings are not met, it can become a lifelong struggle. When our core longings are not met, we are "WOUNDED." Because this wound causes internal bleeding, you are Bleeding Blue.

STOPPING THE BLEEDING; 5 Steps to uncovering your purpose

  1. Put God first. Read and EXECUTE his word. Your gift comes from the creator, so building a true relationship with him will enhance your life. The keyword here is Relationship... not religion.

  2. Look back over your life (even as a child)

  3. What comes naturally to you? This gift could be used positively or negatively.

  4. What areas in life are you consistently complimented/praised in. Think about appraisals, promotions, or even what your friends see you as.

  5. If you close your eyes and daydream about the perfect life, how are you serving?

Let me catch you up on my friend. After some dedicated time spent, she understands her purpose. Even more importantly, I love the phone calls where she is beginning to allow her purpose to provide direction, structure, and even help with her business structuring. The goal here is not just knowing your purpose. It's becoming your purpose. WHO YOU BE!

Join me in Cracking the Code IF your heart desire is to unlock your capacity &grow in:

Self Love- valuing self.

Core Principles

Emotional Intelligence

Developing the habit of taking ACTION

Empire Mindset- Knowing where you want to go and building a path to get there.


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